Karen Diane Volz Campbell—2008
Karen Diane Volz Campbell (George)
917 51st Street, Vienna, WV 26105-3141
304 295-7419
After graduating from Seneca I followed my brother (class of 61) to Duke where I majored in Political Science. There I met my husband George Campbell who was studying law. After obtaining a Master of Law degree from the Univ. of Wisconsin George secured an appointment as a law clerk for a judge on the Kentucky Supreme Court and we planned a life as Kentuckians. But as happened to so many of us the Viet Nam war intervened. George was drafted and spent four and a half years in the Army, most of it as a Captain in the JAG Corps serving in the Pentagon. I took advantage of the DC area to earn a Masters Degree from the American University and hoped to have a career as a college professor. (Also while in the DC area we welcomed our son Morgan.)
Things went a different direction, however, and rather than George practicing law and me teaching we ended up in his hometown in West Virginia taking over his family's real estate business, comprised mainly of rental townhouses which we built and managed. We just sold the business last year so officially retired-love it. Our daughter Kelly was born in 1978 at the then-named Nortons/ University of Louisville hospital. (I came home for the birth because of complications.)
Today Morgan is married (to a Kentuckian!) and a partner in a DC area law firm specializing in all things aviation-related and Kelly is a Certified Financial Analyst and Managing Director at BlackRock in Manhattan. We enjoy golf, tennis, mountain hiking, biking and travel, especially visiting the kids for a big city break. Unfortunately our annual summer trip to NYC to attend US Open tennis and FedEx golf conflicts with the reunion. As I look down the list of attendees I am filled with wonderful memories and regret very much not getting to see you all in person.
Seneca Forever