Stuart Robenson (Nancy Waggener High School class of 1964 - boo hiss!)
2015 Bainbridge Row Drive
Louisville, KY 40207
(502) 895-7086
Following an enjoyable six years at Seneca, I attended the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania (along with Marc) majoring in accounting, as was predicted in our senior yearbook. In the fall of 1967, still not completely secure of a career path, I continued my studies at Georgetown University School of Law. That path became blocked by the U.S. Army when they informed me that “Uncle Sam Wants You.” Not to be deterred I contracted mono, giving me a temporary reprieve. Shortly thereafter, my wife of 45 years, Nancy and I were married in 1968. In 1970, while we were expecting our first child, Uncle Sam came calling again. About 2 months after Jeff was born, I began my active duty at Ft Knox as part of a six year commitment with the Army Reserves (at age 25, oh my).
Since 1971 I have worked as a CPA, mostly in public practice, but also twice as a corporate controller. For the past 30 years I have been a partner with Welenken CPAs (also beginning its life in 1945) in Louisville. Nancy is a retired elementary school teacher with JCPS (began 20 year career at age 40). To this day we still verbally spar about the successes and achievements of graduates and sports teams of SENECA and Waggener High Schools (not even close, I am sure you will agree).
Nancy and I are very fortunate to have two wonderful sons, Jeff in Louisville and Todd in Mason, Ohio, a northern Cincinnati suburb. Jeff is a corporate manager and he and his wife, Cheryl have a 9 year old son. Todd is a corporate attorney and he and his wife, Julie have an almost 9 year old son and an almost 4 year old daughter. Both sons do a considerable amount of business traveling, while Nancy and I try to do the same, but for our pleasure.
We both look forward to seeing everyone at our 50th reunion (WOW). We will see if those class of ’64 Waggener graduates can pull off a reunion next year